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I Can't

The moment you said “I can’t”, you are defeated.

The moment you said those two words, your muscles weakened and your mind stopped to work.

You are a creature of “can-dos” and you can do it – no matter what. I suspect you have said those two words when you feel that you are helpless, or confused or impatient. I suspect you used those words because you felt hopeless and you felt you really can not win anything. I suspect somebody else told you that you can not and you are giving up.


Know that you can do it.

Your mind is amazing. You are amazing!

Know that no one, nobody can ever tell you that you can not do anything.

It is you who knows your capability, not them – not your parents or your friend, you know who is inside you. And that inside of you is strong, will-powered and determined.

Don’t give up – yet. A lot of successful people have achieved their goals because they persevered. They kept on. They are patient – and hopeful. They do not easily get discouraged or frustrated.

Know that just like them, you can win!

You can have what you want – and you should avoid saying, “I can’t”.

Say, I can – because I know you can!

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