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You know you have been a culprit of this statement . You often say, “Oh, I will be happier when I quit my job…” and then what?

The fact is, if you are not happy with your situation when will you ever be?

Research shows that people who have achieved what they want are only happy for “one day” or a “few hours”. Think about the time you were awarded the marathon gold medal award. The process of practicing and preparing for the run gave you more excitement for a longer time than when you actually received your marathon medal.

So – if you are feeling unhappy with where you are right now, maybe it is time for you to have an internal check.

It is probably time for you to enjoy where you are right now while keeping at the back of your mind the excitement and a fleeting moment of happiness once you achieve what you have in mind.

Well - how about thinking the many micro moments that truly make you happy?

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