Success varies – but there is one common definition of success that if you do know exactly what it is – you are most likely on the right track of savoring success and having it more.
Here are some questions for you:
How did you react when the top five items on your bucket list were achieved?
Were you happy the last time you purchased your dream car?
Were you so excited when you were promoted?
Were there butterflies in your stomach when you got a nice surprise from someone appreciating the hard work you’ve done?
Have you ever felt so thankful that you can not even find the right words to describe it?
If you ever answered YES to any of the above mentioned questions, then you’ve got that “missing” factor in your journey to success.
Because success is universally a feeling.
You may not measure it by standard norms as it is relative to a person’s experiences and expectations. But, when you feel it – there is no measurement needed. You just feel it. That is the ultimate understanding of success.
If you do not feel joy, happiness or satisfaction – or whatever emotions that may make you feel excited and alive, then it is tough to imagine how you can not equate success without these awesome feelings.