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Ever heard of any successful person who does not have any goals? Ever heard of any person who is successful who did not start with a goal? I bet you never did – because every successful person that you and I know began with a goal in his mind.

That goal is the start of his success – and the beginning of every great thing.

Goals are the seeds of success. If you do not have any goals, you sure will not know where to go. You will not know what to do – and you will not know where to direct your energy.

Just like anything else your time is of the essence. Knowing your goals will help you save time and focus your energy to things and activities that will help you get what you want and where you want.

Having goals is like having a map on your journey. Without a map, you will eventually either a.) get lost or b. ) will get too tired looking for it. However, if you have goals, you know exactly what direction to go and will estimate your time of arrival.

Do you have goals? Go ask your self, honestly then write it here, if you please…

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