Self worth is the way you feel about yourself.
To feel confident, you need to raise your self-worth.
Acknowledge the fact that you are a talented person.
Like everyone else on this planet, you too, have many talents. It might have been a little difficult for you to see your talents clearly so far, but I don’t even have the faintest doubt about you being talented.
Remember- embracing and acknowledging the fact that you are talented is the first step towards raising self- worth.
There are two best times to remind yourself about your worthiness – mornings and evenings.
The first thing you need to do when you wake up in the morning is to say to yourself, “I acknowledge and embrace the fact that I am a talented person”. Do the same thing at night before going to bed.
Say this statement as often as possible, don’t just say it, but feel it.
When you acknowledge something as if it’s already there, it starts growing (even if it’s not there, yet).
Reminding yourself daily about your talents and qualities will make them visible in a short span of time.
Let’s try this. It’s worth the effort.
Next step…
When you become aware of your talents, start sharpening them. Ask any experts around, read career columns in the newspapers, make an appointment with a career counselor and discuss about your talents and what can be done to take yourself to the next level.
Look around for successful people with the same kinds of talents that you have. Ask if they are willing to mentor you, even if it is five minutes or one email per month. It’ll help you a lot.
Talent is of no use if you don’t sharpen it.
This is part of the book, 'The Best Inspirational Stories I Ever Read: Guide to a Purposeful Life". You can continue to read more inspiring stories by getting a copy of the book. Email amsdaily @ yahoo dot com for details