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Your biggest WHY

"Do it for your biggest why" is what my friend Esther Espina texted me one day when I decided to pursue this new venture.

Do not do it just for your "surface level why" but for your biggest - and boldest - why.

And be very clear with your biggest, boldest why! And be very specific with your biggest, boldest why! And be very certain that, that is really your why!

Because if it is not clear, or specific or certain about your own why - you may be easily pushed to stop or give up what you have started.

Identify what it is that extends your breathing hours; what keeps your energy going. Examine what fundamentally excites your being; what fires you to your dreams at night.

Look inside you deeper; figure out what scares you the most, what you love the most!

And start connecting the dots.

When tears start rolling down your cheeks, then you've come to understand your biggest why.

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