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Begin anyway

The decision to begin something new is difficult. It gives you that feeling of uncertainty, fear and sometimes nausea. You begin to doubt your decision. You ask many questions, including:

“Did I make the right decision?”

“Is this really for me?”

“What am I doing?”

But begin anyway.

It is in the small beginnings that great victories start. It is the tiny steps that can bring you closer to where you want to be.

Five years from now you will be proud that you made that decision to begin. I guarantee you! Your courage will you lift you higher to where you are right now. Of course, there will be bumps along the way – so expect them to happen and take them as positive challenges. Gather them together as your stepping stones to a better you. Embrace them as part of your dreams!

That teeny-tiny voice that continue to negate your hopes of a better life, of a better future – thank him. Tell him, “I am grateful for sharing these with me but I know I can make it.”

And you will make it.

You already did!

By making the bold decision to begin.

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