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'Always a Great Day' with an Artist: Interview with Anina Rubio

Anina Rubio, renowned visual artist and sought-after modern calligrapher and decorative writing (brush lettering) workshop presenter shares with us the importance of risk-taking and trusting yourself. In this interview, you will learn how she starts her day positively and how you can, too. Here’s her story:

The Alpha Stories (TAS): Who is Anina Rubio in one sentence?

Anina: I am a freelance visual artist who shares the love for adventure and life, based in the Philippines.

You can find my works on and across my social media sites:

Instagram/Twitter/Snapchat: aninarubio


TAS: How did you start your company?

Anina: It all started as a result of stress and perhaps post-quarter life crisis – you know, trying to find yourself whilst on board the rollercoaster ride of life. I was juggling and shuffling careers – Engineering, Business, Marketing, and then eventually went back to my first love – Art.

TAS: How did you put it all together?

Anina: I started creating non-stop – writing words everyday, experimenting, learning, collaborating, and most important of all – taking a risk.

TAS: What do you think is the most important part of starting out?

Anina: It is important to trust yourself that you can actually do it. If you have self-doubt, then everything you do will manifest lack of confidence. Create from the heart – this is what I tell myself. I want my works to reflect my values and my advocacies.

TAS: What were some of your strategies that help you become a leading visual artist in the Philippines?

Anina: Risk. Fail. Experiment. Move Forward. Learn.

TAS: What was your most inspiring moment doing what you do?

Anina: When I am able to teach and I see that my student makes progress, that’s when I feel most inspired to continue what I do.

TAS: When did you consider yourself a success?

Anina: When people started believing in what I do and they start to share the same passion too, that’s when I knew that what I’m doing made sense. I’m happy that people are more open-minded about creating art and using art as a tool of expression especially in this digital era.

TAS: What are your success habits?

Anina: I think that building good relationships with people/community around you is crucial to success. Also, I make sure that I learn new things and develop new ways to create art endlessly, despite bumps and failures on the road. Once you stop learning, what you create becomes redundant and boring. I don’t like that.

TAS: Is there a special way you start your day?

Anina: As cheesy as it sounds, I start my day with a kick of positivity by smiling and saying “It’s going to be a great day.” Then I drink my coffee and I plot my schedule and priorities. It helps me manage my time more efficiently.

TAS: What makes you happy? Do you think being happiness is critical in being successful?

Anina: Adventures make me happy. I make sure to go outdoors every month to seek inspiration. Whatever your job is, it’s important to have that work-life balance. Spend some time outdoors. Read a book. Watch a movie. Go to the beach. Laugh. If you are happy, it will reflect in your work.

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